Research fields: Physical Chemistry, Nonlinear Chemistry, Colloidal Chemistry, Nano Chemistry, Surface Chemistry.

Keywords: Nonequilibrium system, Self-assembly, Self-organization, Reaction-diffusion system, Pattern

Formation, Enzymatic and Catalytic Reaction, Chemical Oscillation, Self-Propelled Motion, Artificialcial Cell.

My research interests are mainly classified into the following two topics: (i) designing, engineering, and utilizing "chemical complexity" in order to control various "self-assembly" and "self-organization" phenomena from nano to macro scales. And (ii) exploring unrevealing physicochemical events under “non-equilibrium” conditions to innovate and discover a novel way to tune material properties from a thermodynamics perspective and improve reactivity in chemistry such as kinetics, selectivity, and new reaction pathways.

 Chemical complexity is the essence of nature and biological systems. Since such a complex system has many independent interacting components, it is defined as a system that can evolve to several states through multiple self-assembling and self-organizing pathways depending on initial conditions and small perturbations. My research motivation is to design and engineer new chemical complex systems artificially with unique chemical and physical properties and utilize them to create novel micro-and nano-architectures and artificial life systems. Furthermore, my research dream is to contribute to the origin of life studies through these topics by considering and applying some possible conditions of molecular evolution processes in developed artificial systems.

 When materials or systems are exposed to specific environments or reaction fields and strongly interact with them, they transition to a non-equilibrium state that can provide their novel and unique thermodynamic properties, which do not emerge in an equilibrium state. It is also known that this amazing state sometimes contributes to improving the reactivity of chemical reactions and discovering a novel reaction pathway. In this context, I’m focusing on exploring unrevealing or largely unexplored nonequilibrium material properties and reactivities from both basic and applied material science points of view in order to innovate technologies in chemistry.

現在、私が興味のある研究トピックは以下に示す2種類です。一つ目は、ナノスケールからマクロスケールまでの様々な「自己組織化」現象を制御するための「化学的な複雑システム」の設計とその応用性の模索です。二つ目は、「非平衡」条件下 (すなわち文字通り平衡に非な条件) で起こる、未解明の物理化学的事象を詳細に探索することです。それにより、例えば熱力学的観点から材料特性を調整する新たな手法の開拓や、化学における反応性、例えば反応速度論や選択を向上させたり、新奇の反応経路を開拓するための新たな方法・技術の改革を行うことです。



Motivational quote

"The understanding of complexity and the use of the creativity of nature, the continuation of the work of nature are the grand challenges for the scientists of the 21st century."

– Prof. Ilya Prigogine –

"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do."

– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe –